The Purple Block

Posted: 15th June 2011 by boy in Uncategorized

In the time before my memory begins, I had acquired a set of wooden rods that were part of a set that came with a wagon.  Playskool I think it was.  I can’t be sure anymore, as my father confiscated all the photos in the divorce to spite my mother, and they have not been seen since.  The blocks were basically large dowels painted various colors. It seems that I was particularly partial to the purple one, which I used to bash the top of one of my mother’s end tables. She referred to it by name as The Purple Block.  Was it a sign that the first favorite toy was purple?

The purple block was lost many years ago, also probably around the time of my parents divorce.  This site is a place where I’m going to try and remember my past and write it down, before I can’t remember anything.